My Story

One day at school, it was a warm winter day. The snow was very packable. Because of this, we decided to build a snowman named Griffin. We first rolled his body. I made the head, then we realized we needed a middle part. After we had assembled Griffin, he needed a face, so I went searching. I tried pinecones for eyes, that didn’t work. Then I saw some melted snow. It was slightly brown because it was melted. We made eyes out of that. Then I saw some wood chips. We used that for his mouth. He didn’t have any nose. Next recess, I brought out a little tiny pencil for a nose. By last recess, we crowned Griffin a snowman with a crown we made. We started making Griffin a wife. Then we had to go inside. We came back the next day to find a tragedy. Griffin had been MURDERED! We had a proper burial. There was one person there who was quite insensitive. [Unnamed]. It was heartbreaking. I have decided to visit his burial every recess in honor of him. He was less than 12 hours old. Rest in peace Griffin.



Retold by Andrew


One day at school, we were in the laboratory. We decided to make a robot named Griffin. He had a head that was a screen, two metal arms and he had rockets so he could fly because it would be kind of ironic if he could not fly like a griffin. Anyways, we created his body and then we programmed him, we made him nice and like a gentleman. He had two big eyes and he had a very big mustache. By the way, the mustache was my idea. Then I noticed that if we can make one robot, we can make another one. So, we made another robot. A wife for griffin. Her name was Griffete. By the time we had to go home, we decided to leave Griffin at school.

The next day, Griffin and Griffete were sitting at a table at school. Then my friends and I thought that if Griffin and Griffete were married, they might want another companion to take care of. Therefore, we decided to make them a robot………………………………………


We got to work immediately, and my friends and I created a family of robots who lived happily ever after.




Originally by Declan


Recreated by Andrew

S.M.A.R.T. Goal #1

Original goal: Have neater writing.

Specific: I would like to have neater writing because my writing is terribly messy and often hard to read.

Measurable: I will measure my progress by how neat my writing becomes. When I achieve my goal, my writing will have a noticeable difference in neatness.

Attainable: I definitely have the time because I have my whole life ahead of me, and I have the resources.

Realistic: I will Use a pencil and paper. This is definitely challenging enough.

Timely: Within 5 years.

How my life will be different one year from now.

First off,  Hello. I have not posted anything for a long time. Today I will talk about how my life will be different one year from now, and also my new years resolutions. First, how my life will be different. I will have seen the future, or so it is to me now. Obviously, I will be older. [Instead of somewhere around 4000 days, I will be 4365 days old.] I will also be more knowledgeable. I will have read more, and, I just realized, I will be in sixth grade. I will have played more Magic: The Gathering. I will be a more experienced drummer. Holidays will have happened. I will have played more video games and hopefully be better. I will hopefully have a successful youtube channel. This is what will have changed in my life one year from now.

My New Year’s resolutions

  • Create a successful youtube channel.
  • Get better at writing.
  • Have neater writing.
  • To tolerate writing more.
  • Get better at video games.
  • Learn more math.
  • Play Magic: The Gathering, and get really good.
  • Get at least close to finishing The Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers.
  • Grow.
  • Stay totally radical.


Best regards,



My identity and how my family affects it.

I have many brothers and sisters. They are named Bryce, Coral, Faron, Chelsea, and Lux. Bryce is my oldest sibling. He is very smart, and very weird. He can play almost ANY instrument; French horn, guitar, drums, bass, and more. He also likes card games. Coral is one of those people who is crazy about fitness, exercise, and healthy eating. She will pester us about brushing our teeth, eating healthy, etc. Then there is Faron. He is 6 foot 5, so he is a giant! He likes to make electronic music, and play video games. He rarely visits Saskatoon since he lives in Vancouver, so it is very exciting when he visits Saskatoon. Next we have Chelsea. She is very grumpy. She rarely comes over, but she and lux are almost identical in appearance, and mannerisms. Last but not least, we have Lux. She is my twin sister. She likes to do art, photography, sleep, and she gave me more and more and more and more and… Lux and I live in the same house. [Obviously! We’re twins!] This is my family. This information brings me to my next point: How does this affect my identity?


How this affects my identity


This very much affects my identity, because all of my siblings are 25+! [Excluding Lux!] Because of this, Lux and I do old stuff. For example: Old video games, watch old movies, and other adult things. This is why my bros and sistos affect my identity so much.

My First Blog

Hello world. I am Declan. Today I am going to talk about digital writing. I love digital writing, because I am terrible at normal writing. I am very excited to do this blog, because I have never blogged before! I am really, really excited! I like digital writing, and find it very useful. Digital writing is good because we can share our thoughts and opinions with each other. Digital writing is when you use a computer to do some form of writing. I do not enjoy regular writing, because my writing is not neat neat and I write slowly. That is why I like and am excited for digital writing.